Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Covalense Global

  1.  How to implement server side validation in MVC?
  2. Ans : Data Annotation
  3. How to pass data from View to Controller?
  4. Which data typ you will take in java script to store key value pair?
  5. Ans : map 
  6. How to implement Role Based Security in Sql Server?
  7. If I want to dump data from SQL Server to MySQL what will you do.

Friday, July 7, 2023


1. What is COLESE?

2. What is Collete?

3. Difference between Cross Join and Cross Apply.

4. Difference between Store Procedure and Func

5 What is Recusrsive Store Procedure?

6. What is difference betweeen .Net framework and .Net core?

7. What are the main component on .Net core?

8. What is Kresteral?

9. What is GAC?

10. What if boxing and unboxing?

11. What is lifecycle hook in angular?

12. What is Single Page Application?

13. Difference between Promise and Obserbvables?

