Saturday, August 7, 2010


.Net Remoting is a technology for communication between different application domain. Application domain can happen inside the same process, between processes on a single system , or processes on different systems.

Different technologies can be used for communication with a client and a server application.

1) Web Services
2) Remoting

Remote Objects

A Remote object is an object that is running on the server.Basically any object outside the application domain of the caller application should be considered remote, where the object will be reconstructed. Local objects that cannot be serialized cannot be passed to a different application domain, and are therefore non remotable.

Any object can be changed into a remote object by deriving it from MarshalByRefObject, or by making it serializable either by adding the [Serializable] tag or by implementing the ISerializable interface.

Types of .NET Remotable Objects
There are three types of objects that can be configured to serve as .NET remote objects. You can choose the type of object depending on the requirement of your application.

1) Single Call

Single Call objects service one and only one request coming in. Single Call objects are useful in scenarios where the objects are required to do a finite amount of work. Single Call objects are usually not required to store state information, and they cannot hold state information between method calls.

Singleton Objects

Singleton objects are those objects that service multiple clients, and hence share data by storing state information between client invocations. They are useful in cases in which data needs to be shared explicitly between clients, and also in which the overhead of creating and maintaining objects is substantial.

Client-Activated Objects (CAO)

Client-activated objects (CAO) are server-side objects that are activated upon request from the client. When the client submits a request for a server object using a "new" operator, an activation request message is sent to the remote application. The server then creates an instance of the requested class, and returns an ObjRef back to the client application that invoked it. A proxy is then created on the client side using the ObjRef. The client's method calls will be executed on the proxy. Client-activated objects can store state information between method calls for its specific client, and not across different client objects. Each invocation of "new" returns a proxy to an independent instance of the server type.


In .NET, when an application is loaded in memory, a process is created, and within this process, an application domain is created. The application is actually loaded in the application domain. If this application communicates with another application, it has to use Remoting because the other application will have its own domain, and across domains, object cannot communicate directly. Different application domains may exist in same process, or they may exist in different processes.


The .NET runtime further divides the application domain into contexts. A context guarantees that a common set of constraints and usage semantics govern all access to the objects within it. All applications have a default context in which objects are constructed, unless otherwise instructed. A context, like an application domain, forms a .NET Remoting boundary. Access requests must be marshaled across contexts.


When a call is made between objects in the same Application Domain, only a normal local call is required; however, a call across Application Domains requires a remote call. In order to facilitate a remote call, a proxy is introduced by the .NET framework at the client side. This proxy is an instance of the TransparentProxy class, directly available to the client to communicate with the remote object. Generally, a proxy object is an object that acts in place of some other object. The proxy object ensures that all calls made on the proxy are forwarded to the correct remote object instance. In .NET Remoting, the proxy manages the marshaling process and the other tasks required to make cross-boundary calls. The .NET Remoting infrastructure automatically handles the creation and management of proxies.


Marshalling (similar to serialization) is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object to a data format suitable for storage or transmission. It is typically used when data must be moved between different parts of a computer program or from one program to another.

• Marshal-by-value (MBV):- In this, the object is serialized into the channel, and a
copy of the object is created on the other side of the network. The object to marshal is stored into a stream, and the stream is used to build a copy of the object on the other side with the unmarshalling sequence.

• Marshaling-by-reference (MBR):- Here it creates a proxy on the client that is used to communicate with the remote object. The marshaling sequence of a remote object creates an ObjRef instance that itself can be serialized across the network.
Objects that are derived from “MarshalByRefObject” are always marshaled by reference. All our previous samples have classes inherited from “MarshalByRefObject”

To marshal a remote object the static method RemotingServices.Marshal() is

used.RemotingServices.Marshal () has following overloaded versions:-

Public static ObjRef Marshal (MarshalByRefObject obi)
Public static ObjRef Marshal (MarshalByRefObject obi, string objUri)
Public static ObjRef Marshal (MarshalByRefObject obi, string objUri,
Type requested Type)


The .NET Remoting infrastructure provides a mechanism by which a stream of bytes is sent from one point to the other (client to server etc.). This is achieved via a channel. Strictly speaking, it is a class that implements the IChannel interface. There are two pre-defined .NET Remoting channels existing in System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels, the TcpChannel and the HttpChannel. To use the TcpChannel, the server must instantiate and register the TcpServerChannel class, and the client, the TcpClientChannel class.

Channel selection is subject to the following rules:

* At least one channel must be registered with the remoting framework before a remote object can be called. Channels must be registered before objects are registered.
* Channels are registered per application domain. There can be multiple application domains in a single process. When a process dies, all channels that it registers are automatically destroyed.
* It is illegal to register the same channel that listens on the same port more than once. Even though channels are registered per application domain, different application domains on the same machine cannot register the same channel listening on the same port. You can register the same channel listening on two different ports for an application domain.
* Clients can communicate with a remote object using any registered channel. The remoting framework ensures that the remote object is connected to the right channel when a client attempts to connect to it. The client is responsible for calling the RegisterChannel on the ChannelService class before attempting to communicate with a remote object.

Serialization Formatters

.NET Remoting uses serialization to copy marshal-by-value objects, and to send reference of objects which are marshal-by-reference, between application domains. The .NET Framework supports two kinds of serialization: binary serialization and XML serialization.

Formatters are used for encoding and decoding the messages before they are transported by the channel. There are two native formatters in the .NET runtime, namely binary (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary) and SOAP (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap). Applications can use binary encoding where performance is critical, or XML encoding where interoperability with other remoting frameworks is essential.

A key point to remember is that .NET Remoting always uses binary serialization, but you have your choice of output formats. The type of serialization (binary or XML) determines what object data is output. The formatter determines the format in which that data is stored.

The data in binary format has smaller size then in XML format. The smaller size makes binary formatting the obvious choice for intranet applications or whenever network performance is critical. However, not all firewalls look kindly on binary formatted data, so if you're distributing an application that needs to use Remoting over the Internet, you might find yourself forced to use SOAP formatting. Another benefit of SOAP formatting is that it's human readable, which gives you the opportunity to examine message traffic for debugging. Fortunately, Remoting works exactly the same regardless of which formatter you use, so you can use SOAP formatting during initial development and debugging, and then convert to binary format for production release.

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