Friday, April 8, 2016

Web Stack

Web stack – The web stack is a collection of utilities (software) required for web development. It contains at least an Operating System, a Programming Language, database and web server.
One Example of Web Stack is LAMP. It uses Linux as an O.S, Apache as a Web Server, MYSQL as a database, and PHP as an object oriented scripting language
A web stack is a type of solution stack--- An ordered collection of software that performs a particular task.
Solution stack is a complete set of software required to develop and run the application such that no additional software required from outside other than stack.

Server Stack – Server Stack is a collection of software that forms the operational infrastructure on a given machine, in a computing context, a stack is an ordered pile. A server stack is a type of solution stack. As name indicate server stack means it contains all software to make a machine as a server.

Client Stack – Client stack includes OS and its supporting software as well as runtime environments like JRE. It includes all the software that is required run an application on a client machine.

Persistence (Database) Layer – Persistence layer responsible for CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operation, Enforce data integrity constraint, validation, transaction, connection pooling and security.

Application Services Layer (ASL) – Orchestrates lower level, chattier methods to solve higher level domain specific problems. ASL has methods that serve the Presentation Layer

Web Service Layer:
1.      The webservice layer serialize the request from Presentation Layer and application layer same way it also de-serialize the response to Presentation layer and application service layer.
2.      Web services depends on standards.
3.      And expose the web method to client application
4.      Webservices methods expose the functionality of Domain Layer of Application Session Layer.

5.      Webservices has well defined end points.

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