Sunday, December 23, 2018


1. If two view connected with one viewmodel and you want to update only one view while changed view model, how will you do that?
2. What are different layer in wpf architechture?
3. What are different type of container?
4. What is differnece between Static Resource and dynamic resource?
5. What is data context?
6. How will you update data base while adding new properties in model?
7. Difference between WPF and windows form in respect of display?
8. Is WPF replace Direct X?
9. Difference between Visual Tree and Logical Tree?
10. What is RelayCommand?
11. Difference between IEunumerable and IQueryable.

1.Difference Between angular 1 and angular 2
2. What is service in angular 2? And how to create it?

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