Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Interview MVC

Limitations of TPL in comparision of Thread

Advantages: Declaritive way to write concurrent processes w/o having to deal with the lower level concurrency contructs Easily convert existing sequential code to concurrent code by simply converting to parallel loops and plinq The PFX framework makes it very easy to scale your app to more powerfull hardware without you having to change any code. (the system will automatically create a thread per core) Lowers the risk of screwing your code up with a small concurrency errors Limitations: PFX will run your code in parallel even if the work load is very small. This will usually cause the program to run slower than a regular loop or query would. You do not have full control over the concurrency of your code when using plinq or the static Parallel class (I think this is good, it relates to what I wrote above about not screwing your code up) Its pre-release, it may have bogs and it may be refactored before its released PFX only works with .Net 3.5, you can't use it on shared hosting that hasn't upgraded yet Soruce

What is template pattern?
What need to do so that a class load as soon as program load, without accessing it.
Ans : Make it static
If you are implementing Liskov susbtitution and you have not parnent class with you, than how will you do that.

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