Monday, June 7, 2021

Difference Between Gitflow Workflow and Feature Branch Workflow

 Git Flow Workflow

The overall flow of Gitflow is:

  1. develop branch is created from master
  2. release branch is created from develop
  3. Feature branches are created from develop
  4. When a feature is complete it is merged into the develop branch
  5. When the release branch is done it is merged into develop and master
  6. If an issue in master is detected a hotfix branch is created from master
  7. Once the hotfix is complete it is merged to both develop and master

Feature Branch Workflow

There is no development branch created, only master branch is the main branch where developer create feature branches. Feature branches should have descriptive names, like animated-menu-items or issue-#1061. The idea is to give a clear, highly-focused purpose to each branch.

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