Wednesday, August 29, 2018


1. Why we use interface?
2. Difference between Abstract class and interface.
class A
public virtual print()

class B:A
public override print()

class C:B
public new print()


A objA = new A();
C objC= new C();
objA = objC;

objA.print();// -- override method of B
objC.print() // C method


4. How to show user counter in Website (MVC)
5. Session.Abandon() what will be impact.

If on Logout button we have called Session.Abandon what will happen
New session will be made or some sesssion will be there.

6. What is providers in angular 5
Ans Providers are a set of entities that are entitled to be injected as a parameter of the constructor, and they automatically generate a singleton instance.
7. How can we make service as static?
8. What is observable?
Ans :
9. How to send value from child to Parent ?
Ans using Output driective

10. We have following fields in table employe|id|saalry|department
.How to get highest paid employee in the department?
Ans Select min(employeeName),min(departmentName), max(salary) from employee group by  department.

11. How to load module dynamically?
Ans : import("..common/commonModule").next(x=>{/*Some Code*/})

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