Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Interview Question Helm

Draw the architectural diagram of your current project
Event loop in javascript

JavaScript has a concurrency model based on an event loop. JavaScript runtime contains a message queue, which is a list of messages to be processed. Messages are taken out of the queue and processed by the browser UI thread. So, the browser basically works in a loop, picking up and processing messages to do things.


Onion architecture

Hexagonal architecture

call() apply() and bind() in javascript
Ans : used to bind this.

setinterval() vs settimeout() javascript

how to stop settimeout() in javascript
Ans : use Cleartimeout method

scope in javascript

closures in javascript

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript

Lexical Scoping

What is benifit of => fat arrow

What is new in ES 6

Write the UML diagram of any pattern you have used

Write the code for Singleton pattern

Diff between let and var

Explain prototype why and when

Explain Nocnflict

Why we use use strict

If this keyword used globally in js file than which object it will refer.
Ans  Window

UML diagram of singleton/Factory

Agile methodology  which approach we use top down and bottom up

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