Thursday, November 15, 2018


1. What are types of Caching?
Ans There are two type of caching.
Data Caching and Fragment Caching.

2. Difference between angular and MVC?
3.What is Jenkins?
4. What is Urlen(Hosting)?
5. How to use two model in single View ?
Ans using Expando object.

6. What is Partial View? What is the use of it?
7. Explain S of SOLID in terms of SQL.
8. Difference between WCF and Web API?
9. Can we define abstract class as Sealed?
Ans No.

10. Difference between implement interface and inheritance?
Ans:  Implementation of interface is implement a class with interface and in that case this is compulsory to define the all methods of interface, While in case of inheritance of interface, we inherit an interface with another. In that case you can't define methods in interface, the class that will implement that interface will have to implement both interface methods.

11. What is Boxing UnBoxig, Where do you have use it?
12. What is Routing?
13. What is attribute routing?
14. Dependency Injection in MVC?
15. What are the type of Dependency Injection ?
Ans There are four type one Singleton, second is Scope

16. Will dependency Injection improve testing?
Ans yes improve

17. What is Scafolding and what is the benefit of Scafolding?
Ans :

18. What is Elastic Search?
19. Can we overload main method? Why we need to overload main method?
20. What are the properties of Data Adoptor?
Ans There are four properties of Data Adoptor.
Update,Delete, Insert,Select

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