Tuesday, November 27, 2018


1. If you have multiple subscriber how will you unsuscribe all in one go.
Ans using takeUntil

2. Difference between Angular 4 and Angular 5.
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.com/2018/12/difference-between-angular-4-and.html

3. What are communication ways in angular?
Ans: using @Output, @Input(), @ViewChild() and using Service

4. What is new in ES-6?
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.com/2018/12/what-is-new-in-es6.html

5. What is Flex in CSS?
6. Difference between localstorage and sessionStorage.
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.com/2018/12/difference-between-localstorage-and.html

7. What are types of binding in angular?
Ans There are four types of binding
a. Property b. Event c. String Interpolation d. Two way data binding

8. What do map, filter function array?
Ans: map manipulate every element of array, filter filter the array and return only elements that satisfy the condition.

9. Difference between promise and Observable
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.com/2018/02/difference-between-promise-and.html

10. Difference between MergeMap and ForkJoin
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.com/2018/12/difference-between-mergemap-and-forkjoin.html

11. What is hosting in java script?
Ans: In java script function and variable declaration are pulled up. It can be avoided using iffy or using let variable.

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