Saturday, November 13, 2010

..........Visitor Pattern

If a Collection contains different classes objects. And we have to iterate the collection than we have to typecast each object to its proper type means we have to use if-else ladder. The best solution for this problem is used Visitor Pattern. Implements all classes with a common interface and again when you will iterate the collection you have to typecast only once in interface type.

The visitor pattern is used when:

* Similar operations have to be performed on objects of different types grouped in a structure (a collection or a more complex structure).

Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.

If you have a collection of objects and you have to perform some action for each object than you will do like this.

public void PrintObjectsType(Arraylist objArlst)
Iterator iterator = arlstCollection.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext())
Object objIterator =;

if (objIterator as CMale)
Console.WriteLine(“This is Male”);
else if (objIterator as Female)
Console.WriteLine(“This is Female”);

But that is not a good programming practice to use if and else ladder. We can remove it using Visitor Pattern.

public interface IPerson
public void DoAction();

public class CMale:IPerosn
private void DoAction()
Console.WriteLine(“This is Male”);

public class CFemale:IPerosn
private void DoAction()
Console.WriteLine(“This is Female”);

public class CPrintPersonType
public void PrintPersonType(Arraylist objArlstPerosn)
Iterator objIterator = objArlstPerosn.iterator()
while (objIterator .hasNext())
IPerson objPerson =;

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