Saturday, November 13, 2010

..........Adaptor Pattern[SD]

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.

During object-oriented developments, some times we have to use an unrelated class along with our existing class hierarchy. The simplest solution is to make a wrapper or adaptor around the foreign class, which is acceptable by the existing class hierarchy. This is what known as the ADAPTOR PATTERN or WRAPPER PATTERN.

Suppose we have a class CClient and COldClass

class CClient

public void ClientMethod(IExisting objIExisting)


class COldClass : IExisting
public void Method()

And we are using them like that
public void main()
CClient objCClient = new CClient();
objCClient.ClientMethod(new COldClass());

We were using that classes in our code, In future we have given another class called CAdoptee. which has it’s own method.

private class CAdaptee

public void ForeignMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Foreign Adapted Method");


And we have to use that CAdoptee class with client class and we have to call that method ClientMethod. So how we can do that while ClientMethod except a parameter of type IExisting.
There is a way to do that by introducing a CAdopter class.

priavte class CAdopter: IExisitng

private CAdoptee objCAdoptee = new CAdoptee();

public void Method()

public void main()
CClient objCClient = new CClient();
objCClient.ClientMethod(new CAdopter());

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