Friday, September 28, 2018

R System

1. What is architechture of your application - 3-tier , n tier or what?
2. What are challenges.
3. Which principle u use while design ing the application.
4. Whas is solid explain every term?
5. Why do we need dependency injection?
6. In which sitaution u use web api or wcf.
7. How will you unit test protected method?
Ans: Derive the Test with the class that you want to test.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


1. What is new in Angular 5 from angular 4
Ans :

2. What is new in RxJs 6?

3. What is lazy loading module?
Ans : With the help of loadchildren in routing we can do that.

4. What is lazy loading component?
Ans: With the help of EntryComponent and ComponentFactory we can load a component dynamically.

5. Where can you see which module is loaded currently or any lazy loaded module?

Ans: Well there is an undocumented function named getModules that returns an array with the list of the loaded modules, you could use it with indexOf:
if($docLazyLoad.getModules().indexOf('my.module') > -1) {
  // ...
Otherwhise you can use the same thing that I do in my lib:
var isLoaded = false;
try {
        isLoaded = angular.module(moduleName);
    } catch(e) {
        if(/No module/.test(e) || (e.message.indexOf('$injector:nomod') > -1)) {
            isLoaded = false;
6. What is lettable variable?

7. Why it is called lettable?
Ans they are called lettable because all can be called using let function.

8.Dynamically component loading?

9. How will handle svg in angular?
Ans : using innerHtml property we can use svg
<div class="svg" [innerHTML]="svg"></div>

10. Pure pipe Vs Impure Pipe
And : Pure pipe execute once for same input while impure pipe execute everytime.

10. Fork join?
Ans: Form Join execute multiple request in parallel. Drawback  is if one request is taking time or failed. You will not get the response event for single request.

11. How mobile development is different from web development in angular

12. What is directive and how it is different from component?
Ans: A directive may or may not have view but Component always have view.

13. If we added a directive on two different element than will there be two different instance of that directive?
Ans: Two new object created, Every time whenever a directive added to an element directive constructor has been called.

14. What is life cycle?
Ans :

15. If we have parent & child component then tell me the sequence of life cycle events for both child and parent.

16. What is difference of property and attribute in angular.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


1. Do you have any cloud base knowledge?
2. How do you deploy your angular application?
3. AWS has S3, how and what kind of resource we can deploy there?
4. Have you created bucket in S3. How this gets managed in the backend?
5. Can we have same name in the same AWS account @ in differenc bucket?
6. Every bucket and resource has its key value pair so what will be the key & value for a resource.

1. What is service and how will you implement in your angular application?
Ans: Create a class and make an entry of this class in provider.

2. What is life cycle hook?
Ans :

3. Are you sure ngOnChanges run before ngOnInit().
Ans Yes

4. Why ngDoCheck not relevant?
Ans:  Because ngDoCheck override ngOnChanges.

5. What is binding and what are the ways of binding in angular?
Ans: There are four type of binding property, event, string intepolation and ngModel.

6. How many ways we can implement one way binding?
Ans: Three ways

7. What is local reference and how will you implement it?
Ans : Local reference used with the help pf hash symbol.

8. What is state and how can you manage the state in your application?
Ans: You can maintain the state using redux.

9. How can we implement state for inputbox using NgRx.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Infosys-III Round

1. How to unsuscribe all observable in one statement?
Ans: using takeuntil, declasre a subject object and while subscripe use takeuntil before subscription and in ngDestroy unsubscribe the subject

2. Statemanagement?
Ans:  To maintain the state of form it is statemanagement

3. How many ways to do statemangement?
Ans using Subject, using property bag, using service Method, using ngRx and Redux

4. Communication between component to component.
Ans: Using @Input decorator, Output decorator, ViewChild decorator and using Service

5. If we have two module. One is admin and user, After login admin how can we take data from Manager to Admin.

Ans: Make the Service shareable using forRoot, and use that service.


1. SetTime Out in Foor Loop
2. What is closure explain step by step?
3. What is union type in typescript?
4. What is the use of super() in inheritance in typescript?
5. What is other method instead of call, bind and apply?
Ans. Arrow function
6. We need to pass value form child to parent. What are the ways?
Anc. 1. using ViewChild
2. using @Output
3. using setter

7. Dependency Injection : What is IOC in typescript?
Ans: InversifyJS is a lightweight (4KB) inversion of control (IoC) container for TypeScript and JavaScript apps. A IoC container uses a class constructor to identify and inject its dependencies

8. If there is a timer in child and we pass value(time in UTC format) from parent to child and we need to filter it in child and then pass again from child to parent.
Ans . Can be done using local reference?
9. What is Dependency Injection and what is DI container?
Ans: using Inversify.js 
10. If there is table of employeeId,Name,ManagerI. Neet to get emplyee and their manager Name.(SQL Server).
Ans using Self Join


1.What is lettable operator in RxJs?
2. How to achieve inheritance in javascript,ES6 and typescript?
3. What is polymorphism in Javascipt,ES6 and typescript? ( overloading and overriding in typescript)
4. What is View Encapsulation?
5. What is bootstrap in angular?
6. What is ngcontainer?
7. What is templateref?
8. How will you write an event binding in angular?
9. Difference between var and let?
10.What is the disadvantage of writing a private method inside a class in typescript?
11.What is HostListener
12. How to implement HostListener
13. What is entrycomponent?
14. What is closure in javascript? (Can we write closure inside for loop?)

Friday, September 7, 2018

NIIT & Mobility

1. How to compile the multiple typescript into single javascript
2. what is ViewChild
3. How to post the method from view in MVC
4. How to call the action method from view in mvc
5. How to send the data from controller to view in mvc
6. How to give the alias name for action method in mvc
7. Binding in WCF / Web API
8. How to do binding in Rest API's(basically asked for wcf rest api's)
9. How to handle the Exception in WCF
10. What are filters in MVC
11. How to make the service from command in Angular
12. How to do multiple submit from MVC View
13. How to send the data from component to component in Angular
14. How to make service in angular

15. If database goes down then what will you do for the user. means should he wait or whatelse
Ans Use Master Slave

16. How to handle the errors in client side.
17. Unit test case for angular
18. Lazy loading in angular
19. Bundling and minification in MVC

1. What is NodeJS and why it is used
2. How to Achieve the multithreading in NodeJS(Clustering)
3. What is different between module.export and export
4. what is middleware in nodeJs
5. Express framework
6. What is the command for Linux in nodeJs
7. What are the commands for GitHub
8. What is observable
9. What is difference between observable and promise
10. Sharding in mongoDb
11. How to achive Joins in MongoDB
12. How to sort the "Noor Alam" Alphabatically
13. How to swap the two variable withoit using the third variable.
14. What version you are using nodeJs( V5.1.0)

15. What is upsert in mongodb

Monday, September 3, 2018


1. We have task and we have four types of task which design pattern used to create a task.
2.What is explicitly implementation of interface.
3. Difference between multi threading and async  await.
4. What are Filter in MVC?
Ans : 5. How will you handle run time exception?
6. Difference between let and var
7. Communication between child and parent, parent to child
8. When ngOnChange called?
9. SOLID princile
10. Factory and Abstract Factory pattern
11. How to inherit in typescript?
12.What is ViewContainerRef.
If you ever needed to insert new component or template programmatically, you probably used the ViewContainerRef service.

13. What is Union & Intersection in typescript
14. How to make a service accesbile only for some component?
Ans : Register the service inside component provider property of the @Component() metadata. When you register a provider at the component level, you get a new instance of the service with each new instance of that component.
src/app/hero-list.component.ts (component providers)
  selector:    'app-hero-list',
  templateUrl: './hero-list.component.html',
  providers:  [ HeroService ]
15 What is Node in angular?
16 What Node does in angular in development environment to run application.

