Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Infosys-III Round

1. How to unsuscribe all observable in one statement?
Ans: using takeuntil, declasre a subject object and while subscripe use takeuntil before subscription and in ngDestroy unsubscribe the subject

2. Statemanagement?
Ans:  To maintain the state of form it is statemanagement

3. How many ways to do statemangement?
Ans using Subject, using property bag, using service Method, using ngRx and Redux

4. Communication between component to component.
Ans: Using @Input decorator, Output decorator, ViewChild decorator and using Service

5. If we have two module. One is admin and user, After login admin how can we take data from Manager to Admin.

Ans: Make the Service shareable using forRoot, and use that service.

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