Tuesday, September 25, 2018


1. SetTime Out in Foor Loop
2. What is closure explain step by step?
3. What is union type in typescript?
4. What is the use of super() in inheritance in typescript?
5. What is other method instead of call, bind and apply?
Ans. Arrow function
6. We need to pass value form child to parent. What are the ways?
Anc. 1. using ViewChild
2. using @Output
3. using setter

7. Dependency Injection : What is IOC in typescript?
Ans: InversifyJS is a lightweight (4KB) inversion of control (IoC) container for TypeScript and JavaScript apps. A IoC container uses a class constructor to identify and inject its dependencies

8. If there is a timer in child and we pass value(time in UTC format) from parent to child and we need to filter it in child and then pass again from child to parent.
Ans . Can be done using local reference?
9. What is Dependency Injection and what is DI container?
Ans: using Inversify.js 
10. If there is table of employeeId,Name,ManagerI. Neet to get emplyee and their manager Name.(SQL Server).
Ans using Self Join

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