Thursday, September 27, 2018


1. What is new in Angular 5 from angular 4
Ans :

2. What is new in RxJs 6?

3. What is lazy loading module?
Ans : With the help of loadchildren in routing we can do that.

4. What is lazy loading component?
Ans: With the help of EntryComponent and ComponentFactory we can load a component dynamically.

5. Where can you see which module is loaded currently or any lazy loaded module?

Ans: Well there is an undocumented function named getModules that returns an array with the list of the loaded modules, you could use it with indexOf:
if($docLazyLoad.getModules().indexOf('my.module') > -1) {
  // ...
Otherwhise you can use the same thing that I do in my lib:
var isLoaded = false;
try {
        isLoaded = angular.module(moduleName);
    } catch(e) {
        if(/No module/.test(e) || (e.message.indexOf('$injector:nomod') > -1)) {
            isLoaded = false;
6. What is lettable variable?

7. Why it is called lettable?
Ans they are called lettable because all can be called using let function.

8.Dynamically component loading?

9. How will handle svg in angular?
Ans : using innerHtml property we can use svg
<div class="svg" [innerHTML]="svg"></div>

10. Pure pipe Vs Impure Pipe
And : Pure pipe execute once for same input while impure pipe execute everytime.

10. Fork join?
Ans: Form Join execute multiple request in parallel. Drawback  is if one request is taking time or failed. You will not get the response event for single request.

11. How mobile development is different from web development in angular

12. What is directive and how it is different from component?
Ans: A directive may or may not have view but Component always have view.

13. If we added a directive on two different element than will there be two different instance of that directive?
Ans: Two new object created, Every time whenever a directive added to an element directive constructor has been called.

14. What is life cycle?
Ans :

15. If we have parent & child component then tell me the sequence of life cycle events for both child and parent.

16. What is difference of property and attribute in angular.

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