Wednesday, September 26, 2018


1. Do you have any cloud base knowledge?
2. How do you deploy your angular application?
3. AWS has S3, how and what kind of resource we can deploy there?
4. Have you created bucket in S3. How this gets managed in the backend?
5. Can we have same name in the same AWS account @ in differenc bucket?
6. Every bucket and resource has its key value pair so what will be the key & value for a resource.

1. What is service and how will you implement in your angular application?
Ans: Create a class and make an entry of this class in provider.

2. What is life cycle hook?
Ans :

3. Are you sure ngOnChanges run before ngOnInit().
Ans Yes

4. Why ngDoCheck not relevant?
Ans:  Because ngDoCheck override ngOnChanges.

5. What is binding and what are the ways of binding in angular?
Ans: There are four type of binding property, event, string intepolation and ngModel.

6. How many ways we can implement one way binding?
Ans: Three ways

7. What is local reference and how will you implement it?
Ans : Local reference used with the help pf hash symbol.

8. What is state and how can you manage the state in your application?
Ans: You can maintain the state using redux.

9. How can we implement state for inputbox using NgRx.

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